Monday, June 22, 2009

Live Music vs Disc Jockey

This age old battle between 'live' performers in a Dance Band and a 'dead' performer with 'canned' music from a DJ has at long last been resolved. We declared a truce and combined the two for the best of both worlds. Our 7 piece Dance Band performs on stage together with the DJ on stage. Gone are the traditional limits to repertoire and length of performance. Its non-stop with plenty of tune variety and visual appeal.

If you have not received our multi-media Flyer depicting this bold new invention ask me to e mail you the new SideSpin Dance Band promo document with plenty of sound clips and an impromptu video.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very promising. Can you please E-mail me the promo document.

    Orion Agnew
    School of Engineering
    University of California Merced
